Griffin Dawg

Griffin Dawg

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Long Time, No See...

Just in case anyone thinks Griffin has moved to Abu Dhabi, he's still hanging in O-Town and having a good old time. The reason has dropped off the radar is entirely a side-effect of my last month of graduate school. Soon USF will be a thing of the past and G Dawg's every move can be documented and chronicled for his future embarrassment.

When I'm not in class, I take Griffin to play chess at the San Leandro Mall. I also like to let him go off-leash at Target because I've realized I can quickly draw a crowd of bored sales ladies who entertain my child while I read trashy celebrity magazines and linger over Glade scented candles. We find ways to entertain ourselves, but sadly the fear of imminent pandemic makes roaming megastores with mouthy toddlers even more nerve wracking. Gotta keep lots of non-alcoholic hand sanitizer on hand.

I will attempt to post pictures and video of Griffin even if I have no time to make witty comments about them. It's all about Griffin, anyway.

Keep an eye out for some postings from our April trip to Louisiana. Here's a teaser.

This is Griffin on Easter wearing an outfit Jake's Mom bought for him in 1979. It's held up well.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Small Pleasures

As I was washing dishes in the kitchen this afternoon, I heard a toddler giggling maniacally. I followed the sound out to the back deck and I noticed that Griffin had discovered one of life's great pleasures- taunting a cat with a stick. I didn't teach him this but he knew. The behavior is born into him (not just because he is Son of Jake,) but because it is the nature of the human to want to taunt the cat with the stick and it is the nature of the cat to want to swat at the stick, scurry around and act ridiculous.

I'm really glad Griffin and Jez have such a special relationship. I honestly thought she was going to smother him as soon as we brought him home. Really, I did. Instead, she treats him like a little brother and is remarkably tolerant of all his toddler shenanagins. Sure, she's clawed him a few times, but considering all she puts up with, she's a saint. He amuses her and vice versa. Notice how she "runs" away and then waits for him to catch up. Each morning when Griffin wakes up, one of his first activities is waking up Jez on her pillow (formerly Griffin's Danger Pillow.) Some mornings, G Dawg will hang out and mob on her for five or ten minutes while I make coffee and wash my face. Hopefully she can start babysitting soon. Jake and I could use more date nights.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Griffin Loves His Kitty

Griffin and his best friend/big sister Jezebel always have fun in the yard. Griffin really loves animals and does some great impressions. He does a dog, monkey, owl, cow, squirrel and he's just nailed an adorable fish impersonation. I will have to catch them all on film and document them for online posterity.