Griffin Dawg

Griffin Dawg

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Summer 2010: Gardens Galore

True to form, we've got our gardens going this year. Our neighborhood, Brooktrails, is heavily forested with enormous redwoods and not much sun, so we have two plots at the Willits Community Garden. Only $10 per plot, per year and all the soil and water you need!

Griffin has developed quite the green thumb and I want to get a job as a professional sign painter.

Now if only our freaking tomatoes would ripen! This cool weather we've had has us loaded down with green heirlooms, but I ain't lookin' to fry 50 batches of fried green tomatoes!

Summer 2010: A Retrospective (Part 1)

Time flies. Summer flies. That's just what it does around here. Unless you're just chillin' with the chickens.

Griffin learned to drive standard. An important skill for a well-rounded young man.

Our dear friends, Jenny (Fish) and Ben increased the population of the world by exactly one. Although they increased the population of Tomales, CA, by about 15%! Welcome to the Team, Atticus! May 11th, formerly known as Griffin Creation Day, will henceforth be known as Happy Birthday, Atticus!

The Hoyer-Paradis nuptials were arranged.

And then smoothly carried out, with no sheep escaping into the wedding ceremony.
Griffin and Lilah road in a wagon (with mixed results) but the cuteness factor was always high!

All things considered, it was a lovely event. Full of fruity goodness!

It was a sweet success!