Griffin Dawg

Griffin Dawg

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Conversation with a Lemur

You have to be very careful when you feed almonds to a lemur. He'll take all your nuts and try and lure you into a closet.

"Mama, come," has replaced "dat?!" as Griffin's most annoying commentary. Where I once had to define 10,000 dats a day, I am now dragged around by my finger at the whims and mercy of small primates.


Toddlers are such silly people. They act really ridiculous most of the time. They get offended at the slightest provocation while being oblivious to most everything else. Check out Griffin's manhandling of Lilah while she appears totally unconcerned that she was almost brained with a glockenspiel. Then she runs into my face.

We had some technical difficulties that were prohibiting us from uploading more videos. Now that I have moved gi-normous amounts of video footage onto an external disk drive, my computer isn't cussing at me every time I ask it to do something. As a result, we have more pics from Lilah's visit that we'd love to share.

I don't want you to think we're a one-trick-pony over here, but we couldn't bear not posting the rest of our Griffin/Lilah/Ryder photos and footage. If Ryder and Lilah weren't so cute, maybe we wouldn't have to talk about them as much. Griffin loves to read the baby blogs on the computer and insists we watch the Lilah videos over and over (at least I can trim his nails.)

There were some good times in the wagon. Everyone was happy and dirty and bumping along.

Jake (looking especially woodsy,) hauled the children all around the farm- over to see the pig, chickens and sheep.

What's not to love about three tykes in a little green wagon?

Griffin still manages to look concerned. He can be a little over-analytical at times. He comes by it honestly.

Lilah, however, is all smiles. Unless she's screaming bloody murder. Seriously.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Set Up

In case the montage of wagon photos needed some set-up, I found this video where Mat explains to Ryder how important the eggs are and Lilah relaxes in her low-rider posture. Lady L's meltdown occurs approximately 60 seconds later when Ave dares to straighten her up and secure her safety belt. Meanwhile, Ryder has been entrusted with the eggs and Griffin is just along for the ride. Please note Floyd the pig in the background. He is not long for this earth and will soon be appearing as boudin. Mmmm......... boudin.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Lilah's Wagon Needs Fixin'!

All Ryder wanted to do was bring eggs in from the chicken coop, he didn't ask for all the drama. To her credit, Lilah was a real trooper until Ave adjusted her seatbelt, but then all bets were off. I kept Ave at bay long enough to snap this series of pictures. I love the way Lilah's utterly indignant and the boys just seem clueless. And then there's the egg.

I've got to run. No time to blog. Someone is trying to boycott his nap and has already removed his pants (and diaper) peed in his bed and now appears to be really grossed out that there's pee in his bed. Don't blame me, I haven't peed in a bed in decades. Doesn't Griffin know I'm trying to blog about him and don't have time to deal with my actual baby (who should be napping) when my online baby is so much quieter.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Gumby and Pokey

Griffin found a mini-Gumby and Pokey in a little box and told me Luci gave it to him. He was right, but she sent them to him when he was three months old and we lost them until now. He pulls out the most random details and hangs on to them. Note to self: no more occasional f*bombs.

This is how he plays these days. He really likes little animals and carries them with him everywhere. Some of his favorites are Panda, Sheepy, Camel, Moosey, Otter, Wolfy and Zeebee. He's Mr. Finemotorskills and likes to line them all up on the edge of the bathtub before knocking them down and worrying about them.

Some Sniffles

Griffin was a little under the weather lately. You can tell by his hair. Luckily we won a basket of homeopathic baby medication at our local organic grocery, the Mariposa Market, so he is being treated for his sniffles.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Who knew this was one of the many uses for a yoga ball?

Goaty Griffin

Sometimes Griffin goes to the cabin with his Dad. They dig in the dirt with spoons and roll around with dogs. They have a lot of fun and come home really dirty.

Griffin loves goat cheese so much, he uses it as a hair-replacement. One day, if he has a white goatee, it may look like this. Hopefully it will not smell like goat, garlic and chives.

Griffin is distressed because I told him we were out of chevre. He'll eat cheddar, but he prefers something a little more epicurious. Preferably local.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bad Mommy Doesn't Blog

Bad Mommy has been too busy taking care of Griffin to update his blog. Jake has been working a ton lately and I have been too tired or busy to write about Griffin's latest greatest milestone. Yes, there was also an all-girl/no-boys-n-babies slumber party with nine bottles of wine and a Kohl's just opened in Ukiah, so I've had to make several trips. For the record, I have tried several times to upload a cute video of Griffin dancing to Willie Nelson and an SPCA video, but blogspot is being a pain and you'll have to see it on facebook.

To amuse you during this busy period, I will have to post random videos and pictures and you can make up your own story about what is happening.