Griffin Dawg

Griffin Dawg

Monday, June 15, 2009

Beach Blanket Baby

We had a great time at Stinson, hanging out with Joell, making art and playing in the sand. Griffin has grown very fond of sand.

This might be my new favorite Griffin picture. The five o'clock shadow is really becoming on a toddler and his expression is pretty classic.

We've got the best skin tone on this baby. Thanks, Jake, for your genetic gift of agreeably tinted skin. I foresee many, many sandcastles in the future. (While I observe from under an umbrella.)

Griffin really likes the park next to the Parkside Cafe. There's a little hamster tube he likes to crawl through.

I know all mothers think their kids are darling, but I have it on good authority that Griffin is hella cute. I'm hoping that he has a better time in junior high than I did.

I like his suspicious look. He was ransacking Joell's handbag and got offended when Jake asked him to stop. He hates not ransacking.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Other Pride & Joy

Today was the last day of school at Cherryland and perhaps my last time there as a teacher. Never say never because I keep coming back like a bad rash (or a pretty good teacher.) Anyway, I'm feeling nostalgic since this has been my work/project/greenbaby since 2004. Jake has also sunk much of his blood, sweat and energy into the soil at my school. Wonderful folks like Ave and Sam and Jayeesha helped us break ground four years ago and now there are flourishing gardens all over school.

Like my majestic totem animal, the beaver, I work hard and leave the environment changed (in a good way.) Where there was once mud and weeds, there is now a colorful garden, benches and paths.

I left my signature passion flowers behind and now they are merrily eating a fence. I have a bad habit of doing this. I love the hell out of them.

I dropped nasturtium seeds all over the dirt strip behind the primary yard when I was pregnant in the hopes they would do this. And they did. Nice thing about nature.

Two buddlea plants (butterfly bushes) have grown from puny little six-inchers to these ten foot tall monsters that provide the only shade outside the portables. This one was even weed-whacked into oblivion in 2006 only to rebound stronger. You can tell my favorite color is purple since all of the perennials I've planted run from aubergine to lavender.

This is my other pride and joy, (not just Laura and Memo) all my kids at school. They are (mostly) extremely awesome little people who have given me hella joy over the years. My fourth graders this year were my kindergarteners when I started. I have fed them kiwis, sugar peas and asian pears and watched them grow. I read them fables, taught them French, showed them how to cook root vegetable soup and make spring rolls.

Griffin gave me Night-Night Squirrel to bring to our slumber party-themed end of the year fest.

Love those kids.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Going to the country...

One of the reasons we are moving to Mendo is this cute little guy named Ryder Paradis. His Dad, Mat, is an old friend of ours and Erin, Ryder's Mom, is another fiesty Capricorn femme. Griffin and Ryder have a good time together. They share sippy cups and soak mud puddles up with their diapers.

We're hoping Ryder will teach Griffin some of his smooth dance moves. We're hoping Griffin doesn't take after me on this one.

Walk on the Wild Side

Let it be known that Griffin ain't worried 'bout no swine flu! He loves him some farm animals!

Sexxxy Time at the Oakland Zoo! It was awesome- you could hear the noise from way over by the giraffes, all this braying and snorting. When we rounded the corner- OMG- camel love for all to see! It was spectacular, there was a crowd of slightly embarrassed parents and nannies and tons of kids trying to figure out why one camel was giving the other a piggy-back ride.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Scowl and the Smirk

Griffin is almost 18 months (holy crizzle!) and his sense of humor is really starting to come through. He's taken to making this funny, dubious little scowl like he thinks you're full of shit.

He does a pretty good impression of Jake. He comes by it honestly.

And he has his mother's smirk.

Monday, June 1, 2009

He Comes to Conquer

Picking up the viking helmet at the garage sale was the best 50cents I ever spent. When he wears it with the Mardi Gras beads and the scarf, it is really something special. I'll try and catch it on film for you.