Griffin Dawg

Griffin Dawg

Monday, July 20, 2009


In the past six weeks, our intrepid little G Dawg has made some amazing strides and connections. You can see the synapses in his brain firing and the invisible light bulb going off over his head as he figures out why something works.

He says about 50-75 words with regularity and combines them with noises, gestures and facial expressions that fill in the rest. He comments on everything- juice, hot, mess, shoes, hat, foot, food, ball, cracker, door- and he loves to talk about his favorite people. For example, "Djoyell, Tchass, nyum, nyum, nyum," means "I love to eat dinner with Joell and Cass." A confused look followed by "Mrrrooww!" means that Jezebel is hiding and he wants to pet her/lay on top of her. Griffin knows the word "done" and uses it when he finishes his dinner, opens an empty cabinet or when I turn off the vacuum cleaner.

Just last week he learned "two" and now it is one of his favorite observations. Griffin is not always accurate, sometimes there could be three deer in the backyard and he'll say "two" or the dog actually has four paws, but only two are visible. Nonetheless, it is wonderful to watch him develop number sense. He's proud of his new skill and points out to people that they have two ears, shoes, hands, beers, etc.

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