Griffin Dawg

Griffin Dawg

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Summer 2010: A Retrospective (Part 1)

Time flies. Summer flies. That's just what it does around here. Unless you're just chillin' with the chickens.

Griffin learned to drive standard. An important skill for a well-rounded young man.

Our dear friends, Jenny (Fish) and Ben increased the population of the world by exactly one. Although they increased the population of Tomales, CA, by about 15%! Welcome to the Team, Atticus! May 11th, formerly known as Griffin Creation Day, will henceforth be known as Happy Birthday, Atticus!

The Hoyer-Paradis nuptials were arranged.

And then smoothly carried out, with no sheep escaping into the wedding ceremony.
Griffin and Lilah road in a wagon (with mixed results) but the cuteness factor was always high!

All things considered, it was a lovely event. Full of fruity goodness!

It was a sweet success!

1 comment:

e-book readers club said...

Very cute boy
I like you blog.
shuby arora