Griffin Dawg

Griffin Dawg

Monday, May 4, 2009

Bug Fingers

We've been playing a new game called "Bug Fingers" lately where G Dawg puts insect pencil toppers on his fingers and attacks. Sometimes he gets more interested in the attacking than the bug fingers.

Griffin is so BIG now. He's fulfilled the cliche of "growing up so fast." He's lost most of that baby quality and is really starting to communicate (via chitters, chirps, hoots and the infamous "eeeehhhyyyyaaaahhh?")

On the bug tip, my former work asked me to come give a bug workshop at their Summer Institute this year. Sounds fun. I'll have to collect some new anise swallowtails and dust off the hissing cockroaches.


The GVZs said...

Norah watched the video in utter rapture and now has been begging for bug fingers all day.

Kimberly said...

DANG!!!!!! Attack of the Son of Jake!!!!!! Oh, DNA. It's a beautiful thing :)