Griffin Dawg

Griffin Dawg

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mama's Little Helper

Griffin wanted to help me the other day so he unrolled all the toilet paper and brought it in to me. He's a helpful kind of guy. Now he likes to dump out his toys and then put them all away. Sometimes he forgets to put them away, but he's usually pretty good at it.

Griffin also insists on being the one to throw away his dirty diapers. Midway through the diaper change, he gets a concerned look as I'm folding up the diaper. I have to reassure him that I will not throw away the diaper until he is dressed and upright and he can take it to the kitchen. He takes his jobs really seriously and he remembers things for a long time. I accidentally bumped his head on the roof of the car last week when I was putting him into his seat. Not even hard enough to make him cry, just whine and look accusatorily at me. Now each time we put him in the car, he looks suspicious, whines and rubs his head.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Mama's little Charmin' helper indeed. Hilarity knows no end!