Griffin Dawg

Griffin Dawg

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Comeback Blog

Thankfully I don't neglect my child the way I neglect my blog, otherwise CPS would have taken the boy away years ago. I am having the vague, nagging feeling, however, that I need to update a few things and prepare to do some level of blogging to honor the newest member of the family we anticipate arriving next month. She is currently kicking me in my vital organs, so I think she appreciates the acknowledgment. We will soon have to change the name of the blog to something a little more inclusive since I hear second-borns can get a little miffy about these things.

Griffin is huge, handsome and a wonderful creature, full of love and trouble. By huge, I mean his head is in the 98th percentile and his body is in the 30th, but we expect nothing less around here. Our latest and greatest success has been completing the potty-training decathalon. Our bathrooms all smell like little boy pee, but at least, no more diapers!

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Ah, what to name the blog after the little Miss arrives? So glad to see you're going to update it to include her -- yes, second borns can get miffy when they're left out.